Finding Us

Squirrels Heath, All Saints Ardleigh Green is located in Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch, Essex. Our postcode is RM11 2LU
The church is in a residential area with local shops and Havering College of Further & Higher Education (Ardleigh Green Campus) next to us.

Please use the map below to find out where we are.

There is also information about local bus services that serve the area around the church.

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The church can be found on Ardleigh Green Rd - marked with “Church symbol All Saints Hornchurch” on the map. The address is 165 Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch RM11 2LU

The 256 bus route between Noak Hill and Hornchurch stops at the Church (see bus map here - Havering College stop)

The 294 bus route from Havering Park to Noak Hill stops outside Ardleigh Green School (2 min walk away) (See map here)


Church Warden - Laurie Cowie 07835981728

Squirrels Heath, All Saints (Ardleigh Green)
Ardleigh Green Rd, Hornchurch Essex. UK RM11 2LU

Sunday Services:

Sunday Family Communion service isl held at 10.30am. We hold separate Children's Groups during most Services.

Squirrels Heath All Saints Church © 2020
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